Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Measuring Behaviour

I always was curious to try and express the behaviour of a person
in terms of an equation. I thought it will help me in understanding
a person, make communication more meaningful and help in forming a
Can a behaviour of a person be expressed in terms of an equation?
I believe it can be. This equation takes into consideration only one
aspect of a person though.
Well then, what is the equation? What does the equation give?
The human behaviour equation gives a constant. This constant is what
we call as being fair, even-handed, impartial. What I mean here is
a person is always fair. This is inherent in him. Though one may say that
Mr.X is partial towards person A and not person B. Though this may be true,
but Mr.X has some other point known to him which makes him partial towards
person A and not person B.
The human behaviour equation is
factor1 x factor2 x factor3 x . . . . = being fair(a constant)
Or in other words
factor1(person A) x factor2(person A) x factor3(person A) .....=
factor1(person B) x factor2(person B) x factor3(person B) .....
What are the factors? It depends. If you are dealing with a boss
factor1 could be discipline, factor2 could be punctuality, factor3
could be creativity etc.
Now try to understand your boss. You are person A. Your peer is
person B. Your boss is fair.How much mark do you give for yourself for
discipline,punctuality and creativity. Compare with person B.
You will understand the priorities of your boss.
This equation has helped me a lot in understanding people. Especially
why they behave the way they do.


  1. It is only a belief that a person is fair.
    Especially such a behaviour is expected in an office atmosphere.

  2. When I was forming the equation, the objective was not just to analyse the person but also to understand what to talk and whether any meaningful relationship can be maintained with a person.
    The equation helps in stressing some of the points you are strong in.

  3. It is essential to know whether any meaningful relationship can be maintained or not.
    Having faith in the equation, I tend to maintain a relationship when I am in a position to talk about my strengths and am able to impress the other person.

  4. This statement only needs that a person understands that everyone is not the same. If not IQ, if a person has EQ that should be enough.

  5. The only thing is you should not look at "what i can be" but look at "what i am".

  6. #PythaShastri analysis of Measuring behaviour now.
    It was November 2010 when I made this Measuring behaviour equation.
    I felt strongly that one aspect of a person is that he is always fair. I still feel so. I am talking of an aspect of a person. Not dynamic behaviour but a static instantaneous feel.
    Over the years #PythaShastri evolved in me. Do you know Measuring behaviour is a function of constant e?
    2010 it was. Measuring behaviour.
    2018 it is. Expressions of e.

  7. #PythaShastri explanation of how Measuring behaviour is e.
    Numbers n can be expressed as 2n. Same thing. Slow periodicity but more effective.
    Normally a person scores lesser marks If 2n is the maximum then 2n-1 or below is the score a person gets.
    The above two facts are needed for understanding how Measuring behaviour is e.

  8. #PythaShastri continues . . .
    Total marks are 2n..
    Total scores obtained is factorial of (2n-1). (2n-1)!. Combination.
    Measuring behaviour is a series. Sigma from zero to infinity.
    And Wolfram shows that sigma from zero to infinity of 2n/(2n-1)! is e.
    Hence measuring behaviour is a function of e.

  9. #PythaShastri
    If we consider (n-1)!/n^n; then this value is e/2.

  10. #PythaShastri
    If we think that fairness and unfairness both are there. If we take maximum score can be 1,3,5,7,9,11. Then about half of the score will be fairness and half unfairness. i.e out of a score of 11; 5,4,3,2,1 will be fairness: and 5,4,3,2,1 will be unfairness.
    What is fairness then? (2n-1)!!/n!. Which is 2+pi/2.

    1. Double factorial is something else n!! is not same as (n!)!.
      n!! is product of even numbers. Or product of odd numbers. Depending on n.
      While (n!)! is factorial of factorial.

  11. e and pi are closer in Measuring Behaviour.
    Ramanujan said e to the power of pi into square root 163 is very close to an integer.
    Ramanujan was a genius with numbers. Outstanding.

  12. 1/ π = 2 √2/9801 ₐ₌₀Σ ᶦⁿᶠ (4a)!(1103+26390a)/(a!) ⁴396 ⁴ᵃ

    The above is the formula for pi by Ramanujan. Outstandingly brilliant. It is pretty fast, it seems and is used in computer algorithms.

  13. So if one considers unfairness too, then measuring behaviour equation of fairness can be worked out to equal pi functions.
    The equation that so comes out i. e. (2n-1)!!/n! can be used in algorithms. (2n-1)!!/n! is (2 + pi)/2.
